
Hi guys, just an update. Don't know if you guys have heard the rumors that Wattpad has been bought over by Naver (Webtoon) and that they have brought in a policy banning 'mature' books. Again thid is only something I have heard from several sources but not direct from wattpad themselves,  so I can't say this is true for sure.
          	But I just wanted to update you about Raptor. I am really trying to get it finished and posted here before the policy to mature books are brought in. Its at 80% complete at the moment. I'm sorry it has taken so long. It's not just the problem with wattpad not protecting stories, resulting in mine being stolen, that really disheartened me and stopped me writing, it is also the pain I'm in after multiple surgeries on my back that has prevened me writing. 
          	I literally haven't left the house for almost 3 months. Anyway, as soon as it's finished I will upload Raptor, all the chapters at once, and like I did with Imprisoned, I will leave it up long enough for you guys, my genuine readers, to finish it. 


@autumn_raine18 Hi babe, I am thank u. I'm doing my ten minute walk almost everyday, and trying to tell myself that it's good even though it feels like i need to give myself a big kick in the arse to do more. But how are you doing? Are u in the States? How's things with the pandemic. Bought my first ever laptop this week. Can't believe I have never bought one until now. Suppose I never needed to because I used one from the university lab at to type up my work. But now I'm no longer there, I was having to using my phone to type my stories. Maybe I'll have fewer typos with a proper keyboard now 


I hope you are doing ok 


Would love to know if first you are alright and second where and when I can read Crow. A few years back I read the book. I loved it so much but suddenly it was removed for the rightful reason. I was super sad, I still had to read many chapters. And I know that their are many other people with me. I would even love to pay for the book. Please will you consider?  


Hi! It's been a while, and it took me forever to find your account again! I was wondering what's going on with your books? I tried looking at your Facebook page, but it's empty. Are you publishing anytime soon? It's all good if not, but it's been years since I read Crow, and I miss it. 
          Hope you're doing okay!


@tmsaries4 where did you get the books from sorry? Xx


yeah I’ve been wondering the same thing and I know another author she goes through I have to find the name of the app and I bought Books through that way.


Hi autumn, it's now 2023 and i'm still waiting! Please give us something or just let me know if you'll no longer write. I've been waiting since 2020! Wattpad is much safer now and your readers are desperate. Please.....


I am on her Facebook page and I don’t see any updates 


@elizaakins1 @jhoi48 Hi I follow her on Facebook and she is planning on publishing her books very soon I just don’t know how soon. She gives updates on her facebook 