
To all those who follow, love, and want my book to be finished I don't know when I can because I waited so long, and now something came up. My boyfriend left me and I'm suffering the worst break up of my short life that I've ever had and writing just isn't for me right now. I love you all though. Mwah. ❤️ I'm so sorry. Much love. I'll write when I recover. 


To all those who follow, love, and want my book to be finished I don't know when I can because I waited so long, and now something came up. My boyfriend left me and I'm suffering the worst break up of my short life that I've ever had and writing just isn't for me right now. I love you all though. Mwah. ❤️ I'm so sorry. Much love. I'll write when I recover. 


I just updated a chapter on Virginity Games ! Thanks for the 122k i am beyond words about it. A new goal has been set up, 3000 votes! i think we can do it. 
          Thank you all again for everything, especially the ones who take time out of there day to inbox me sweet things about my books! Love you all 
          Stay strong