
this message may be offensive
Guys am sorry. I forgot and I've been busy and holy shit is my phone lagging? Nvm it's working fine now anyways. That's not the point the point is I'm very very sorry about tnot all!! I swear I'm working on it I'm just...focused on other things like painting and drawing and school starting and the stupid orthodontist and other issues (some pet ones too ) so I'm very sorry but I'm kinda limited right now and then the kosa act and gosh I'm so stressed. Deeply apoligize (is that how I spell ot??) Eorry  um stupid and sleepy cause idkkk I'm just tired and my backpacks heavy :<<<<<<.
          	Anyeayd I'll try and update soon. Maybe next week or something but I swear I'll have something updated. Sorry if this was extremely long


this message may be offensive
Guys am sorry. I forgot and I've been busy and holy shit is my phone lagging? Nvm it's working fine now anyways. That's not the point the point is I'm very very sorry about tnot all!! I swear I'm working on it I'm just...focused on other things like painting and drawing and school starting and the stupid orthodontist and other issues (some pet ones too ) so I'm very sorry but I'm kinda limited right now and then the kosa act and gosh I'm so stressed. Deeply apoligize (is that how I spell ot??) Eorry  um stupid and sleepy cause idkkk I'm just tired and my backpacks heavy :<<<<<<.
          Anyeayd I'll try and update soon. Maybe next week or something but I swear I'll have something updated. Sorry if this was extremely long