
Hey guys! So. School is back. We're trying to decide whether or not we should start writing SCSWD. If we did, who would read it? Who thinks we should? Ya'll will be the deciding factor here. Thanks, and sorry it's been so long.


I like the idea about Disney I can't wait for it if u decide to do it


@soccermonkey358  I would love to and plan on it some time in the future... but it will probably be a short while before I start and even longer before I finish, sadly. But it will happen and thanks for your interest! Keep an eye out for it! xx -alyx


Ok, an update may not be up by Thursday. We have finals and loads of homework and such and I'm also working on a new story soo... Sorry about that, but spread the word and please leave comments! I promise an update by Saturday at the extreme latest. Thanks for being