
Hey there! I've just uploaded a new story on Wattpad that I'm really excited about. It would mean a lot to me if you could check it out and let me know what you think. Your feedback and support mean the world to me. Please do check out my profile. Happy reading!


Yess ofc I’ll read it 


          Have you ever read a psychological thriller that begins with a man who decides he wants his nephew… worse than dead?
          If that sounds even a little interesting, or just unusual, I kindly ask that you give my story “EVAUGHN” a try. It features romance, betrayal, moral conflict, and overall, a plot that forces you to rethink.
          There are 41 chapters (it’s finished, I’m just writing the sequel now), and I think you’ll enjoy the read. If you decide on it, know that I encourage tips on improvement (it isn’t perfect, but I assure you it has potential).
          Thank you so much for giving me your time.


@shutupdork   I really appreciate that. I hope you enjoy the read :)


Ouu sounds cool! I’d love to read ur story <3