
Within the next two weeks you will see that I will be editing The Good Girl's Bad Secret. I'm also thinking about changing the name, let me know what you guys think.


Hey I just wanted to thank u for all ur support on Cryptid Hunters. I might complete it one day but I doubt it's gonna be anytime soon but thanks anyways:)♡︎


@awsomely_awesome aw thanks man. And even my friend was like why don't u let ur readers make the endings for themselves and stuff


Lol you’re welcome. And it’s no rush. If you don’t finish it then that’s okay too, you still gave us a great book and I can always make up my own ending.


I just realised that I'm using my other acc lol. This is Lylie btw


I lowkey have a story that is a quarter of the way finished but I'm not going to publish it yet. It may be a while before I publish it, but should I give you guys a little teaser. There is also a little teaser in my quote book if you want to sort of see what it may be about.


The chapter title in my quotes book is "The Sun" if you don't want to go searching for it.