
live as you like


Thank you hon oh so very much for the follow!! I really do appreciate it!! I don't want to bother you with read request or anything, but I would like for you to know that I do have work on my page that you can read, vote and comment on!! I hope that you can find something on my page that you can check out!! :) Well, I'm glad to see that I have another wonderful Hearty along with my other wonderful Hearties!! <3 I love my followers!! Before I leave your page I would love to follow you back, and I hope that you can see that I followed you back, because I don't know what's up with Wattpad, but when I follow someone it says that I didn't follow them after I do so. But I wanted to let you know that I did follow you back to show my appreciation along with this lengthy reply as a thank you!! :) 
                                         ~Heartful5160 XOXO~