
Don't quote me on this but I think I'm going to try to get into a schedule of updating Lost In The Path Of Life and my Scenarios alternately. Like an update on LITPOL and then on Scenarios. Not sure yet but I think. (Also since my computer deleted everything I'm like a third of the way through the latest chapter for LITPOL. Thank you guys so much for staying patient!)


Don't quote me on this but I think I'm going to try to get into a schedule of updating Lost In The Path Of Life and my Scenarios alternately. Like an update on LITPOL and then on Scenarios. Not sure yet but I think. (Also since my computer deleted everything I'm like a third of the way through the latest chapter for LITPOL. Thank you guys so much for staying patient!)


Ahhhhhhh I'm sick and I promise I'm working on updates I just got held up when my computer deleted everything I'm sorry
          (Also I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I have dangerously low vitamin D levels whoops)


I've decided that all of my PJO fics will undergo major revisions before I continue them. I was very inexperienced when I started them and the quality of my writing has changed drastically. I cannot as of now say when they will be continued, but I do appreciate you remaining patient with me in this endeavor. High School is very demanding and the majority of my free time goes to my Naruto fanfictions, but I hope to give my Percy Jackson ones more attention in the coming future. 
          Thanks again for sticking by as I work things out! 


I'm working on an update for Lost in the Path of Life and I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that the scene I'm writing right now is making me smile like an idiot as I'm sitting here writing it and now I'm getting weird looks because I'm at school. Oops.
          Hope to have it out within the week!


So I know I promised an update today and I'm really sorry but as it turns out I'm still sick. I woke up at two in the morning and threw up everything that was in my stomach and now I'm laying in bed in pain because of said stomach. The chapter is done, and I'm actually pretty pleased with it, I just need to get somewhere to post it because it's on my computer and I don't have Wi-Fi, I only have my phone. So, yeah. Chapter when I feel well enough to move out of bed. 
          Sorry again! 


Almost done with a chapter for Lost in the Path of Life! I'm truly sorry it's taken so long, but there was a lot going on and I got grounded and then I got sick and I'm still recovering from that but I wanted to write something so it should probably maybe hopefully be out tomorrow. 
          Thanks so much for all of your support and votes, and as always let me know if you have any ideas. I can do my best to incorporate whatever you guys want me to. 
          Ciao, lovelies!