
Thank you for reading Untamable Resolve. Comments like yours keep me going. You can read the other books of the Witheridge Witch Series on my page. I'm so glad you enjoyed my novel. If you don't mind can you tell me what was your favorite part? or just overall vibes that the story left you feeling? :)


@sarahgrimmm ofc it'll be an honor honestly to read the rest of the books, I absolutely loved your writing style, it's so good. About my favorite part of the whole book, I think it'll be the plot twist at the end that Silas knew all along about Jo's true identity, that part literally made me put my phone down and contemplate my whole life.
            Overall, I loved how you made the female character so strategic and strong, it's refreshing. I look forward to reading all of your books!


I love your comments, you seem really funny and nice❤️


@BeautySmite ofcourse, I'm always here whenever you wanna talk


@azure_cerise I hope to meet you in other novels too, maybe we can chat more


@BeautySmite awwwwwwww queen, thank you, and I hope to meet you in a lot of wattpad books. Wish you the best <3