
          	Hey guys-
          	Guess what


It finally happened, I knew it would.
          My dog Bagles is very old, she kept falling off of things and getting even skinnier. So we got her put down...


Can you please get out of my sock drawer?


@XSoraxYamatox lmao I’ve already read them


@babybagles don’t mind the letters on the socks


@XSoraxYamatox I found your socks- and they’re very nummy


this message may be offensive
A scene of a book I’ll write 
          My life has been fucked up since day one. after my sister left, leaving me as a slave and a toy to our parents. They would never stop. Beating from my mother and rape from my father…
          I was laying in my bed when I turned insane.
          Their was a knock on my door. “Jay?” I heard the rough voice of my father, he opened my door. I saw his dark green eyes hazy and blurred.
          He’s drunk.
          “Dad.” I tried to sit up, but I wasn’t fast enough, he grabbed my hair and forced me to the floor.
          “Hello little slut.” He hissed in my ear, I flinched. That was the worst insult I’ve ever been called. It still stings. “I’ve got a surprise for you today…”
          “P-please Don't…” My bright green eyes rounded with fear and I tried not to shake.
          My dad put his hand on my cheek. His cold, rough hand. “Where are your freckles?” He growled.
          I stole my moms makeup and hid my freckles… I hated them, cos they turned my dad on the most. I shook my head, my fluffy blond hair swishing back and forth. “...”
          My dads eyes flared dangerously. “Answer me!”
          “I-I…” I opened my mouth, but my voice died away. He grabbed my neck and forced my head to the floor. “N-no!” I cried, trying to get up
          “You don’t fight your father.” He snarled in my ear. “You’ll get punished.”
          I knew what was gonna happen and shook harder. “P-please no...”
          He grabbed the whip, my worst fear, and started sobbing.
          “You’ve been bad.” My father sneered. 
          “No…” I shook my head. “Please.”
          A felt the sharp whip hit my back, and I screamed, pain shooting through me. The cracks of the whip filled the air as my dad hurt me.
          And over
          And over.
          Soon my tears ran out, my screams hitched until I realized.
          I was laughing.
          I was numb from the pain, I just wanted them to pay. To die.
          Half an hour later dad left me on the floor, naked and covered with hickeys. I felt the pain searing through me, but I still had a grin.
          They’ll die… 
          I giggled, looking at my bloodstained hands…
          And I know just who to hire


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So I had a really bad argument with one of my friends. He wasn’t talking a joke. Although I was laughing the whole time when we were calling. So he started stirring crap about it.
          So I didn’t like him doing that. So I got pissed and we started arguing. The shit he’s said...
          So he broke his toe. And that’s rough I KNOW. But when I told him one of my friends tested positive for corona, he LITERALLY SAID, “well they didn’t break their toe.”
          WTF DUDE!?
          Yeah... so I stopped being friends with him. It’s pretty stupid


W-what? 51 followers ( ・◇・)? 
          That’s amazing! Thank you everyone who’s followed me! If anyone’s paying attention I follow whoever follows me, because I like to think of myself as a nice person. 
          Thank you everyone o(〃^▽^〃)o


@babybagles No problem! You're actually an amazing person and thank you so much for replying :3 


@empty_carrot_15 I just teared up at that \(;´□`)/ 
            Thank you UwU


@babybagles Awee youre so nice! I want to thank you for following me back and being an amazing person who cares about others :) 