Sooo basically I got covidMe my dad ,mom ,sister ,auntie ,cousin and her boyfriend, my nephew, and my grandma we all got it. We were being careful we followed covid guidelines but my auntie she's a CNN in training nurse and she travelled to take care and yk what I'm getting at,so basically she came back home visited my grandma and me while she was sick and have us covid. My sister and her son got sick by my mom because she came to get her son from my mom and dad because they babysit for her while she works(she has no one else to watch him) My mom got sick before the red of my family the next day my dad and I was sick. Then two days later my sister and nephew. We are fine we got over the worst with no casualties but we have the common covid symptoms. I have no smell or taste and I'm really sad bout that because I was reading up and heard of some covid patients not getting either of those back or it taking months to get it back. But our family is fine we are ok and getting over this in the safest way and we're gonna get through this stronger than before. This just made me so sad because I never expected this and I'm definitely pissed at my auntie for she basically tried to kill us. We have a 87 year old auntie in this family that we cherish so much, she is our rock and she could be so careless to get someone that's close to our auntie sick and not think maybe I shouldn't visit others if I'm sick. It disgust me and I believe she did this on purpose. But I can't smell anything but my nose isn't stuffed or anything and I can't taste anything. Like things have no flavoring for me I can taste little but idk how to explain it. But thanks for listening to my rant✌