
/     lol!    @webberjr


oh,   hi again.   everything all right?


oh,   here,   let me see.   sometimes these things stick,   and it gets so frustrating.


⭒⠀⠀     @oscrps    ,    um..      yeah! everything’s .. fine. nothing to see here, really just ..   trying to get the elevator to work 


oh,  hey.  you  again.  and  i'm  not  running  into  you  like  a  football  player  this  time.


@spdrsweb    [  her eyes were on his every move yet she wasn’t really there. gwen took the opportunity to do her own mental detective work ..   ‘Peter Parker’ that was his name.  and though it caught her off guard she managed to  let it slide. those were as popular and plain as names could get.. but then the talk of spider-man came along and she felt uneasy .  her hands moved to grasp at each other and with a shuddered breath she nods.   she needed to go. clear her head, avoid this..  stranger.  anything to make her believe that what she thought was just  figment of her imagination]  i..   i should go..  


i'm  ...  really  confused  right  now.  i've  never  met  a  spider-teen.  i  know  a  spider-woman  though.  but  ...  [  he  paused,  taking  a  moment  to  just  pace  sort  of  nervously  back  and  forth.  he  wasn't  even  sure  why  he  was  so  nervous.  this  was  weird  and  it  was  starting  to  freak  him  out.  ]  he  / died /  ?  that's  impossible.  this  is  impossible.  I  know  one,  yeah.


@spdrsweb      well he’s more of a.. spider-teen [ gwen’s brows furrowed as he continued. her head inclined right.  she connected the dots— but also not really.  there were too many coincidences in the world to ever know if you were right or not  ]    there was one but.. then he died  and..  a few months later kid spider came along ..   you know (a) spider-man    ?           