
I forgot wattpad was a place and a thing but yet I still find my way back to it some how


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I've been on wattpad for so long. Five years to be exact but damn I've been on here for five fucking years and yet I still haven't done anything cool.. WELP the only thing I'm good at it getting high and listening to music


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OoOoOoOoOo it's the ghost of this dead account I'm here to try to bring this account back to life OoOoOoOoOo
          So spooky super scary. 
          So yeah I say this a lot but I do want to bring this account back to life, but I don't know hooowww. I also do want to talk to people more because I'm really lonely :) (thanks to moving across the country leaving all of my family and friends) 
          also I need ideas on how to bring this shit whole back I'LL EVEN MAKE A DISCORD SERVER I SWEAR TO GOD


heyooo my birthday was the 12th and I went through a whole move and I never documented it whoops


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This is childish of me BUT I DONT GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE! Am I not here what the fuck happened and I know for a fact that people are gonna see that i posted something so they aren't gonna look at it because  it's mean everyone hates me and no I'm not gonna hurt my self or some shit I'm living and gonna live I'm just fucking done with wattpad and everyone on here expect a few and those few know who they are but honestly fuck you all I have no reason to this but really fuck you all i hope i get hate I'm so done with people on here acting like "oH iM hErE tO hElP yOu" but once you need it they dont know how to fucking help and not gonna lie sometimes i can't help someone but it's so god damn annoying ALSO with people who are posting on here that they are going to kill themselves what's the point you are making people worry about you and blaming themselves that you died that it was their fault and are gonna live in sadness and maybe kill themselves  because  of it also of it's getting that bad GO FUCKING TALK TO SOMEONE! Dont fucking wait just go and talk to someone anyone! GET HELP IF YOU NEED IT ITS THERE FOR YOU SO GET THE HELP YOU NEED! now a lot of people have up reading this but you know what they are probably fucking stupid or not I dont know and I don't care I'm done with being all so nice its fucking hard and stupid I'm gonna be who I am and want to be because  guess what I FUCKING CAN AND YOU CANT STOP ME! If you are offend  with this unfollow me because  I dont give a flying fuck I also never asked if you cared help me find it if you did please return it I wanna fucking burn it well...bye fuckers I'm not leaving no I'm staying and I'm gonna have fun so um yeah HAVE A NIGHT AND DAY YOU CHOOSE HOW YOU WANT YOUE DAY TO BE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT


g a y s h i p