
I am planning on taking down The Dragon's Mate and rewriting it, this includes changing the title, cover, and just a full rewrite. I wrote it when I was thirteen and gag whenever I read what I wrote then, but for those of you truly enjoy the story, the overall plot remains the same. Hopefully the quality is just being upped majorly. Please be patient, this is not the center of my life like it was when I wrote the story for the first time, but I'll do my best to update it when I get the chance. I plan to take it down on June 25th and the first chapter will hopefully be posted that same day or the next. Thank you for being so understanding!


Please update the story


I am planning on taking down The Dragon's Mate and rewriting it, this includes changing the title, cover, and just a full rewrite. I wrote it when I was thirteen and gag whenever I read what I wrote then, but for those of you truly enjoy the story, the overall plot remains the same. Hopefully the quality is just being upped majorly. Please be patient, this is not the center of my life like it was when I wrote the story for the first time, but I'll do my best to update it when I get the chance. I plan to take it down on June 25th and the first chapter will hopefully be posted that same day or the next. Thank you for being so understanding!


Please update the story



hey, i’ve gotten a lot of messages talking about the dragons mate so i was wondering if you guys would be interested in reading what i write now, seeing as i write the dragon’s mate when i was thirteen and am a better writer now?


ok this is a reminder, i write my stories for fun. none of these are intended to be some expedition into the deep dark depths of the mind. they’re just fun stories i like and i write for the enjoyment of myself and my readers.