
Sometimes I think "why do people just blurt out random things? Don't they care what others think?" Then I realize that most people don't think about whether or not they should say something and im just really anxious


I think the best books are the ones with mistakes and the ones that make you feel like it's on wattpad. I love reading on wattpad and do it more often than I read physical books so it's cool to find books that make you feel like your reading it on wattpad. 
          There is this book im reading rn and it compared the main characters asexuality (shes not completley asexual but shes on the spectrum) to being hungry and looking at whats in the fridge but none of it is appealing and you want to eat but can't see yourself eating anything in the fridge.


@bandlover92 or when you are like "I wanna know what other people thought about this part" or "was that a quote? Did anyone ekse pick that up" wanting to interact with other people about the book means that its really good in my opinion


Dinner plans:
          originally: something with chicken and peas that I didn't really pay attention to knowing I wouldn't eat it
          Second: tacos
          Third: hotdogs on the grill
          As I was just informed: whatever I can find. My grandma is having tomato soup and crackers (I probably will too, tbh) and my grandpa is eating ramen.
          All of this (besides what we were originally gonna eat) was decided just in the last 4 hours. I was really looking forward to tacos, then when I decide that hotdogs are fine I get told that we aren't having that either. My family is so indecisive and I just want food.