
Thanks, everyone for being patient! ***NEW CHAPTER UPDATE ALERT*** CHAPTER 144 OF STARSEED IS UP! Enjoy all and don't forget to like and comment <3 


I'm heavily thinking of moving to another platform. Wattpad has seriously crumbled over the years. I mean no private dms anymore after May 6th??? Every day it's something, might just start posting more on Inkitt.


@ZynobiaC I thought I answered this? Weird cause I remember copying the link and everything. I think Wattpad deleted it cause it’s a diff site. Anyways I have the same name on their so just look me up and you will find. 


Hey. Do you have an Inkitt account already so I can follow you there, also? 


@TinaMarie03 I will! For now I'm just chatting and was in emotions with how wattpad is doing things, so I'm not moving anytime soon, but it has crossed my minds a few times than I'd like to admit.


Bb2410 I know you are not well because of your pinched nerve.  But I was hoping everything would be better now; I have read all the interesting books I like and I'm hoping we will get an update soon.  If not forget I asked lol


@AletheaWhite I’m trying but I’m still not a 100 percent and need a lot of rest. I’m actually trying to work on it now but I can’t guarantee anything with be uploaded today or tomorrow. We’ll have to see ❤️


Sorry for the delay everyone. This past Tuesday I ended up getting a severe muscle spasm in my back. Don't worry I've done all the remedies and more, it's just a matter now of getting rest and not aggravating it. Still have trouble walking and it hurts when pressure is placed on it so it makes sitting and writing even more bothersome. Hopefully, I'll be able to post something this weekend, if not, then next week will be more appropriate. Much love <3


@TinaMarie03 I mean yeah if you’re in a group you’ll be fine, even if you weren’t it’s not like they don’t speak English there for the most part. So I hope you have a great time and see and do amazing things, but yeah hopefully the spasms don’t happen again, but apparently my fam is prone to them cause my mom and dad got them. So I guess it makes sense if I don’t stretch or be active enough it can trigger me. 


I don't really know French, unfortunately. It sounds weird since I'm going there, but I didn't know I was going until this semester. I didn't really have time to even learn. I'm going in a group, so hopefully, it won't be too bad. Also, that's crazy! It seems random to have that all of a sudden. Hopefully, it won't happen again! I'm glad you got the break you needed because being burnt out is no fun. I also feel you on work. It's exhausting. 


@TinaMarie03 Also no worries! I needed to take a writing break anyways cause I felt like I was losing steam again. So the back thing came about at the right time. I'm slowly getting back into it and I'm trying my best to at least have a chapter out weekly. Good luck applying to the internships and all that fun stuff! I wish i was excited about work and life and stuff but I'm so burnt out I need a break for several years to just do nothing and focus on hobbies and physical wellness.