Spent the last day or so redefining the timeline for where TSA should go. Pretty happy with the path it's taking. However, I find it to be a bittersweet thing. It seems so short. I know that realistically we aren't even half way done but for some reason my brain likes to think that it'll be over any day now. A lesson in living in and enjoying the moment, I suppose. Anywho, there are some events I simply can't wait to get to and some others I'll have to keep chewing on to find the right way to incorporate them. There are characters I'm extremely excited to introduce and events I'm looking forward to fixing (cough. Looking at you "secret invasion" cough. )
Regardless, I should be back to writing the next chapter either tonight or tomorrow and that means it'll be ready for your eyeballs soon!
Thank you for your support as always. I'm continually blown away by the fact that people care enough about my silly words to stick around all these years. <3