
Awww, you're spreading rumours about me? 
          	At least you've found something else to spread apart from your legs. Don't mess with me b*tch unless you want to get hurt. You know who you are


Hello everyone! I'm gonna try and update my books more but I'm at a blank. I want to know, what is it that you guys want to hear, what is it you want to see or read and experience? Let me know by either pm'ing me, commenting on my books or answering this post....
          Thanks guys xx love you and your support 


Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, has changed my life. It is an incredible book that everyone must read. For those who have read it, pm me! I need someone to talk to about it!
          For those who have not.....well....... Buy it, download it, read, steal it, just get ahold of this life-changing book. It truly made me think twice and it broke through my barriers. Could it chnage you the way it has I?


Lol thanks for the follow! And same. :') I lack social media, except I'm totally a rebel. Lol :D and I love the quotes on your page! It's really helping me stay focused on this thing that I thought about yesterday. :) lol I'm not admitting what it is out loud to anyone in case I change my mind.
          Sorry, lol that was so ambiguous. :')
          Anyway, wishing you a lovely day! :D