
Somethings you just want to read cringey HP fics at 4 am, and you know what, that’s valid 


And now, the different types of “wanting to cry”s, presented to you by a sleep deprived CQ:
          There are 3 different types of “wanting to cry”s, or, as I’ll be calling them for now, WTCs. There’s Good WTC, Neutral WTC, and Bad WTC. Good WTC is the stuff like sad movies or angsty fanfics, things like that. You’re sad, but your not hurt if that makes sense. Neutral WTC is the everyday things, the falling down the stairs or the falling off your bike. Yeah it hurts and yeah your sad, but it’s mild and you’ll get over it after a bit. I’d say this is the most common type of WTC. Finally, there Bad WTC. This is the kind where your chest hurts and you can’t stop crying. What triggers these kinds of moods are when I think about how I might not hang out with my friends after high school and I’ll be alone again, or how because of the career I want to Perdue I might not be able to afford much, but your triggers might be different. If I were to compare Bad WTC, I’d say it’s like the Despair from the Danganronoa series.
          So,,ye, that’s my tedtalk, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of ur day! :D


Askfjshs alright so I just finished the new asides video (had to stop in the middle bc of second hand embarrassment and ended up getting distracted lol) and omfg I squeed so much it was so cute. Like I’m not a prinxiety fan (prefer other ships) but I’m v v excited for the prinxiety fans