
When I made you smile is going to print on the 6th of November.  It will be available in paperback and eBook format on your favourite platform.  I will be removing the full book on the 20th of October and only leaving up a 3 chapter excerpt.  Thank you for being on this 3 month wild ride with me.


When I made you smile is going to print on the 6th of November.  It will be available in paperback and eBook format on your favourite platform.  I will be removing the full book on the 20th of October and only leaving up a 3 chapter excerpt.  Thank you for being on this 3 month wild ride with me.


I wrote a chapter out of order for When I made you smile tonight.  I thought that I should include a chapter from Bella's pov since everyone is throwing massive amounts of shade at her.  It slots right in after Talk Therapy if you want to check it out.