
Wow... So it's been 6 years huh? Well, I'm just gonna brush over that little fact and let everyone know I'm working on something new and kind of different. Something I'm REALLY proud of and excited for! Check out Hestia Byrnes and the Selkie's Song if you wanna!


Could you be my friend 
          It may sound creepy but I have no friends and I think that I might be able to tell you stuff that I can't tell other people donor yo want to be frie


Of coarse I will be your friend, just shoot me a PM whenever you can :D


Hey everybody! So I totally realize that I have never ever broadcast anything to you guys and for that I'm really sorry. But um.. So I have a new story that I think all of those who have been reading BBMBG you'll really like. It's called The Demon Broker. It's a little on the dark side but meh. I think you'll really like it so give it a chance. Oh and before I get a hundred "UPDATE BBMBG!!" messages, I swear an update is coming, okay? I swear it. It just takes time to get my thoughts straight.