
Hey Beth, its Caitlyn T from Hobby Lobby! I love this story so far! Is this just the first chapter? I hope you post more soon! I really connected with the part when she was crying on her bed and praying to God, I have been in that position before and enjoyed reading your descriptions. 


@CaityRagon Wow! Thank you  I'm so happy you have been enjoying it, that means so much to me! Also, this is just if you would, could you vote and rate my story once it's finished? It would help! ♡ thanks again!


@CaityRagon Hey Girl! I just made it through chapter 22! What a roller coaster book! So many connectable emotions and such a great plot! I've been hooked on it! Can't wait to see more of your work!


@CaityRagon, Hey, friend! I'm so happy you like it!... I have posted 17 chapters so far, and ready to post chapter 18 soon!
            Thanks again, Caitlyn! And also that comment you said about crying out to God, yes, I've been there too, lots of times! It's all very powerful! This is a story I have been wanting to share with the world for quite some time! So thank you for giving me your honest opinion! If you have any other comments or even some advice, I'll take it! Chat soon! Bethany