
Wow I just saw that my yandere story hit over 100K reads. So happy to have got that milestone here. Thanks so much to everyone who's read it.


Hey man, just checking up on you. You alright? 


@Excalabasterd I'm still alive, thanks for asking. I know it's been about a year since I wrote anything new. Just haven't had time due to some things going on with my family that I won't reveal here. I do want to keep writing, but it's low priority with what's going on


Bro, it's beyond me how your stories are so long but have such little views, How have I never seen any of them before :O


@Tmazrief Duuuuuude, you're so right! I've been Bingeing the "(un)fortunately the Yandere is not after me" story and the pacing is incredible. It doesn't feel rushed in the slightest. I'm not even halfway through but I'm already so immersed and hooked. This guy is underrated as hell.


This is only known so far by those who read my "Game Gyaru" story, but last weekend I traveled to watch a baseball for an important ceremony and now I've been thinking if I never quit when I was younger. Of course, if I did ever make it then that means no stories written here, so that's probably better for everyone else haha.
          But also it reminded me of a story I once tried to work on before I ever even thought of the Yandere story and I wonder if I should ever get back to it when I have time. I guess since I kind of relate to the MC of what I had written for him so that's probably why I feel the way I do right now.


@bigbear51 good to see another person who can relate to their characters 


@NotKuri True, though I already relate to most of my MCs. Like Arata (otaku) and Hakuta (gamer). I'd say the one guy who I'm least like would be Ishi, but from the response I'd like to believe people enjoyed his character. 
            Huh, now that I think about it. I guess most of my MCs reflect one part of me somehow. It's just not something I try to do, but sometimes just end up doing anyway.


@bigbear51 that would be cool, gives the character(mc) more life since you can relate to them


Sadly due to things upcoming up in life I won't be able to release my Honeyfeed submission any time soon. So for now I'll be focusing on the Game Gyaru story since people seem to enjoy it. I'm sorry for anyone looking forward to the new story though


To be honest, I’m here for your writing. Whatever you set your mind to, you make gold. We’ll be looking forward to whatever you decide to post next.