
;;  @/skrrtkevs is my discord. befriend me, we can rp n such therr cuz omg wattpad really is inferior for rps lol


;;  drop + cb. i’ll respond to everything and drop once i’m done work (:


;;  you should cb + spec <3


            (Continuation on our Rps in Discord??)


" what the f -   don't sneak up on me like that .   is there something you need or ? "


@-hoodsreborn ))
            “i don’t need help.” dick replied. he only wanted him.. he didn’t even want to think about the consequences of bringing someone else. and especially not jason. he didn’t want to risk anything. “just stay here jason. i promise, it isn’t anything bad. and i’ll be back before you know it.”


            jason raised an eyebrow at the other's answer , not believing it for a second .   " uh huh , i'm sure .   and who's this someone ?   dick what's going on ?   i can help if you need help . "    he was nineteen not a baby , he could help .   something was clearly up and he wanted to help .   but would dick even let him ?   probably not without a lot of protesting at the very least .


@-hoodsreborn ))
            dick shook his head slightly. “not this time. i’m meeting up with someone. detective stuff, you know?” the truth was far from that. he could barely tell you how, but an old enemy of his managed to find out his whereabouts and blackmailed him into going. not wanting his friends to get roped into it all, he decided to go. and it probably would’ve been a quiet leave had he not stupidly run into jason. 