
I started this book titled “Red Means I Love You” as you can deduce from the title is inspired by the song and it’s ele. I posted the third chapter I would appreciate if you guys could give it a read. I’ll be trying to update weekly. All feedback and ideas are welcome.
          	PS. I need some help editing so if anyone is interested in proof reading for me that’ll be great just message 
          	Hope everyone is good♥️


I started this book titled “Red Means I Love You” as you can deduce from the title is inspired by the song and it’s ele. I posted the third chapter I would appreciate if you guys could give it a read. I’ll be trying to update weekly. All feedback and ideas are welcome.
          PS. I need some help editing so if anyone is interested in proof reading for me that’ll be great just message 
          Hope everyone is good♥️