
part 2 of my rant
          	something that has intrigued me: why people are who they are and why they are that way. humanity. what makes us human. emotions, feelings, love, hate and all the little things that make us human. I really want to write something that captures that. I want to write something authentic and relatable.
          	Again, I would like to thank you all for your continuous support for the eastsiders. it truly warms my heart. im very sorry if you are disappointed that it will be *temporarily* discontinued. (ps lol im like 2 years over my young Leo phase). I hope y'all will give this book a try, and let me know what u think in the comments. (working on it will post first section in a few days, planning to post multiple chapters per upload.)
          	thank you all so much again


part 2 of my rant
          something that has intrigued me: why people are who they are and why they are that way. humanity. what makes us human. emotions, feelings, love, hate and all the little things that make us human. I really want to write something that captures that. I want to write something authentic and relatable.
          Again, I would like to thank you all for your continuous support for the eastsiders. it truly warms my heart. im very sorry if you are disappointed that it will be *temporarily* discontinued. (ps lol im like 2 years over my young Leo phase). I hope y'all will give this book a try, and let me know what u think in the comments. (working on it will post first section in a few days, planning to post multiple chapters per upload.)
          thank you all so much again


Hello everyone,
          I'm sorry for my absence these few months! But I am back and I just wanted to say, thank you so much for all your love and support for the eastsiders. I am truly overwhelmed with all the positive comments and am so glad most of you enjoyed it! Unfortunately, as of currently I will not be continuing this book. I started the book when I was in in year eleven, around sixteen, back when I was immature and kinda dumb, when my understanding of the world came from unrealistic shows like Riverdale and pretty little liars. It's been two years, and as I grow older, I'm starting to see the world differently. How its so much more than cheesy love stories, high school issues and moody teenagers complaining about life. I've realised- life is so much bigger than the little insulated bubble most of us are stuck in - its full of ups and downs and happiness and heartbreak and excitement and loneliness and regret. And I want to write a book that captures that in an authentic and raw fashion. Don't get me wrong- we all need those books and shows in our lives- something lighthearted and adventurous- but I do not feel like writing these books are a accurate depiction of where im at right now. im still trying to figure myself out (As we all are) and the confusing world around me and I think writing is a great way to help me discover things I didn't even know about myself. I just wouldn't feel authentic continuing a story that I feel is so cringe and high school to me. I am starting this new book- that will be quite a different genre from the eastsiders. It will be titles the "seasons of everything." The plot will follow a family of five siblings through different chapters of their life, spanning from childhood to adulthood and beyond. The blurb:
          Five siblings navigate their way through adulthood, and experience a profound journey of love, hate, growth, loneliness, family, envy and friendship.
          (cant fit so will do part 2 n didn't edit so sorry for typos)