


101 Reasons to Stay Continued:
          51) Twilight
          52) THE SIMPSONS
          53) Stranger Things S5
          54) The chance of living to see the creation of a time machine
          55) The chance of living to see the invention of a cancer cure
          56) Tender moments
          57) Smiles from little kids/old people
          58) Graduating
          59) Sleep overs
          60) Carrot cake
          61) Whipped cream
          62) Inside jokes with loved ones
          63) Weddings
          64) Your wedding
          65) Donuts
          66) The tooth fairy
          67) Singing in the shower
          68) Roller coasters
          69) Naps after a really long day
          70) Cuddling someone to sleep then waking up in their arms
          71) Learning new things
          72) Dancing in rain
          73) Long showers
          74) BUBBLE BATHS
          75) Eating cake
          76) Meeting your idol
          77) Growing old with loved ones
          78) Halloween costumes
          79) Drawing
          80) The next season of the voice
          81) Watching your idol grow and become more successful
          82) Hiking + enjoying nature
          83) Food
          84) Going on walks
          85) Horrible 1st dates
          86) The period of hoping for a 2nd date
          87) BROOKLYN 99
          88) Sunlight streaming through the blinds
          89) Embarrassing moments to laugh about for eternity
          90) Fake scenarios
          91) Screaming from a building/mountain top
          92) WATTPAD
          93) WEBTOON
          94) Small talk with strangers
          95) Being someone's crush
          96) Being able to come to terms with your trauma/knowing it does not define you
          97) Breaking the cycle
          98) Falling asleep in car
          99) Cute outfits
          100) Finding long-term happiness
          101) Finally, stay because if you got to the end of this list you probably want to


101 Reasons to Stay
          1) KPOP 5th Gen
          2) Music
          3) Falling in love - Not just romantically, you could fall in love with your friendship or your first born child
          4) Stray Kids
          5) Books 
          6) Rom-coms
          7) Birthdays
          8) Christmas/Fav holiday
          7) Your family
          8) Being better than your parents
          9) Cats
          10) The chance to make others smile/laugh
          11) Unfulfilled hopes/dreams
          12) Finding your soulmate - Again, not just a romantic one
          13) My Fanfiction:)
          14) Fanfiction in GENERAL
          15) Harry Potter
          16) Watching a sunset turn into a sunrise
          17) The chance of being able to save others with your story
          18) Pinterest
          19) Travelling
          20) CONAN GRAY
          21) Heartbreak - a heart can only break if it was in love
          22) Your friends
          23) Making good friends
          24) Making memories
          25) Getting your dream job
          26) Anime
          27) Comics
          28) ICE CREAM
          29) Online shopping
          30) Regular shopping
          31) Hair dye
          32) Getting your licence
          33) Long drives whilst singing to your favourite songs
          34) Making stupid decision while your drunk
          35) Friday nights
          36) Listening to your artist at a concert
          37) KPOP
          38) Proving anyone who doubted you wrong
          39) Beach days
          40) Pets
          41) Sleeping in
          42) Weekends
          43) Uni/College life
          44) The chance of living out a real-life enemies to lovers trope
          45) Being able to live like you did before COVID
          46) Younger siblings/being the younger sibling.
          47) Owning a record player
          48) Writing a fanfiction of your own
          49) Poetry
          50) One day being able to see what the “better” everyone is talking about when they say “things will get better”


T/W: Mention of Su!c!de
          Hey loves~
          I just wanted to quickly highlight the fact that we are in Suicide Prevention Awareness month (SPAM).
          Below is a link containing more information about SPAM:

          If you or anyone you know is having suicidal thoughts or considering suicide for whatever reason it is IMPERATIVE that you know you are NOT alone and that asking for help will ensure that things get better!!
          Below is a link to website containing links to suicide hotline for most countries:

          Please take care of yourselves loves, if you are considering suicide use this message as sign to know you are VALID, you are LOVED and you DESERVE to live. Life is so rare and precious and though it is temporary, to the one who is experiencing it, it can feel like forever. Don't waste your forever :)