
TO EVERYONE CONCERNED ABOUT MY WELL-BEING : I am so sorry for being completely unresponsive for such a long period of time. It’s very irresponsible of me to do that without any prior warning, especially when you guys have no way of knowing how I am If I’m not online. Things in my life have been stressful and I was a bit swarmed with things in my head and in real life for a while. I see all of your comments and I’m going to reply to every single one of you. About daybreak I’ll inform you guys about that soon. I cannot express to you enough how grateful I am for your concern. 


          	  I am currently writing a sally face fic much like yours. There has always been an inspiration i took from you unknowingly for the first few chapters, and im now coming to realise HOW MUCH INSPO I REALLY TOOK. Hope you're alright with that for the first few chapters, ITS NOT PLAGIARISED I PROMISE just a whole lotta inspo. Don't know where you went, but i used to read your story so much and i seriously miss seeing the chapters update. Sending virtual hugs to my favourite fic writer :33


@bleuelagoon omg we love you so much and hope your doing alright! please don't rush yourself love, we are all waiting right here for you when you come back! don't worry about anything <<33