
Hey y’all, bad news. I’ve been seeing on TikTok and many other places that fanfictions are being stolen and sold in places like Etsy. I know I haven’t written in a while (crazy how time had passed), but I’m going to be taking all of my books down. 
          	Thank you everyone who supported my books and for those who keeps reading them. You guys genuinely made me happy. 
          	This is will be my last post.
          	France <3
          	Why are u still scrolling
          	There is nothing here…
          	April fools everyone


@kenzotsuma no it's still up. just hasn't been updated in so long. sorry I noticed your reply just now haha


this message may be offensive
@blingchick very late but this SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME


It was so nice of you to add fuel to my already high trust issues  I've had a heart attack 


HIIIIII i just finished reading the hostess, IM SOOOO GLAD I DID cause mask parade was just so good that i keep going back to reread it again it's kinda sad that it's not finished re writing again which means some ending chapters are removed? :( after reading the hostess i wanted to read the black swan but it's still ongoing no? I WISH YOU WILL COME BACK AND FINISH THE WORLD OF CRAZINESS YOU CREATED HERE CAUSE LEMME SAY IM IN LOVE WITH YOUR CREATIONS AND YOU SO BAD LIKE PLEASE CAN I MARRY YOU AND YOUR BOOKS ☹️