
I need book suggestions outside of wattpad. Any suggestions? I’m open minded to anything as long as it’s written well and is interesting. 


Hiiii,  how are you?  Are you taking care of yourself?  Be safe dear. 


@Devil_Gay_Bitch wow I never thought I'd find my old account. I've been through alot and lost several of my phones lol depression be kicked out of my home finding jobs but its crazy and still u texted me. I wonder what I said what are conversations we're if we had any. I remember writing this but I'm not sure how we became friends on here. I found my account name through a story just now. I was like isn't this the story I've read before and went to the comments and boom there was my old username and pic. I made several Wattpad accounts so seeing one from so long ago shocked me. Thankyou for texting me even tho I never texted back I mean I couldn't I had lost everything.  This is blink 18 by the way still a blink as u can tell. Wow this is so weird !!! 


Hi, mija u forget me so soon. Lol 


@blink18_  we got the same fav colour lol that's amazing 


I work all night till 7 am in the morning. I’m just resting rn  before I have to go back to that hell hole . But to answer ur last question my fav color is white, black, and sometimes blue 