
damn i haven't been on here in forever. I figured i would update by saying that all books are discontinued but I will likely rerupload on my new account. @fairyofcalamity


Later tonight I’m making a new account aka I’m not gonna be posting much here anymore. But don’t worry I will carry the books over to the new account eventually deleting all these and the account it’s self. I will link it later once I’ve made it. 
          Lots of love ❤️ Liz~sama


Ok peoples this is my new account please if you want to read my works follow this account 


I’m getting a couple people messaging me so let me lay it out there for u guys. I’m grounded but only from snapchat Instagram and my phone. In My dads words “no contact to the outside world” so very sorry I can’t talk. Tbh i shouldn’t be doing this rn. so love u all just know I ain’t ignoring u 


@bloodwolf1204 See you when you get out of solitary confinement, boo! Miss ya lots!


@bloodwolf1204 aw.. im sorry ur grounded, but i totally understand and thanks for following me back :)


I can’t even express how disappointed I am in myself. I am terribly sorry I wasn’t updating. And tbh I won’t be for a while. I might update here and there but don’t expect any real pattern. What is ,pat likely is that I will write drafts then publish them when I am able to start a schedule. I am starting my freshman year and there is a lot to deal with already. Thank you for understanding.