
Hi everyone! 
          	Quick question which I would appreciate could be answered by you all, but do you think Yuya and the Lancers would have carded people in the dimension war? Or do you think it's too cruel to card people?
          	I would love to hear your opinion so please do comment!


@ blossom287  dint worry about it 
          	  How are you? 


@altea321 Al-chan! I missed you! I'm so sorry for messaging you for such a long time.


@ blossom287  hello it's  been a while how are you? 


Hi everyone! 
          Quick question which I would appreciate could be answered by you all, but do you think Yuya and the Lancers would have carded people in the dimension war? Or do you think it's too cruel to card people?
          I would love to hear your opinion so please do comment!


@ blossom287  dint worry about it 
            How are you? 


@altea321 Al-chan! I missed you! I'm so sorry for messaging you for such a long time.


@ blossom287  hello it's  been a while how are you? 


Hi everyone!
          So a lot of you were wondering when my Yu-Gi-Oh book would be updated....
          Well, after so long, it's finally updated!
          I will try to release more chapters for the story and hopefully finish it soon.
          I would like to thank those people who still read my book and have been patient with me. 
          I hope you enjoy reading it!


Hey everyone who is waiting for a new update to my yugioh story- (not the only royalty to the game) but I won't be able to update today but I will try to some time this week! You see I deleted my drafts for this story, as in the info about the chapters to come. Trust me I have been beating myself up for doing that, but I'm trying to remember everything as best as I can. So I'll try my best to update!