
this message may be offensive
I went on a three chapter spree today... Pretty reckless considering I need so much sleep and exams are in two days but fuck it I really needed to release the gay. It's 2:14 am now so I think I'm going to go sleep now BYEEEEE!


this message may be offensive
I went on a three chapter spree today... Pretty reckless considering I need so much sleep and exams are in two days but fuck it I really needed to release the gay. It's 2:14 am now so I think I'm going to go sleep now BYEEEEE!


Hello everybody! Well, there's only two of you but you know, maybe there will be more one day. I'm sorry for not posting for so long, but here's the next chapter with a bit of violence (yaay) and the story is finally picking up a bit, less descriptions etc. Well, enjoy! XD