
Wow :) It's :) Been :) A :) Long :) Time :) Since :) I've :) Updated :) Anything :) On :) This :) Account :))))))


Okay guys; I've made a pretty sudden decision. I will be putting my books 'Insightful' and 'Dangerous' on hiatus. I'm not really sure for how long at this moment. I'm honestly so grateful for all of the love and support you guys have given me and I can't say thank you enough. I'm really sorry about this but I'm really struggling with these stories and I do feel that I could have made some better decisions when I had started to write them. Because I'm having so much difficulty with these books I've also kind of started to lose motivation for them. I'm really really sorry and I do hope you guys can understand!


Okay you guys, I'm so sorry for the delay in my writing! I've been so busy with school and family that I've not had the chance to write for these stories as much. My motivation has also been running a bit short because I do feel like my writing could have been so much better for these stories had I made better decisions at the start of them. So so sorry for the wait!