
Hey guys^^ sorry for not updating for a while, next update is coming sometime this week, sorry for the wait^^


@bonelesswhite author-chan you scared us T-T


@xXlullababy ahhh, I will try to, but it may take a while since those characters are hard for me to write


Hi! I’m a big Muichiro fan and on Wattpad it’s hard to find many well written Muichiro x reader stories, yet by far yours has been my favorite. I noticed you haven’t updated it in a while and I wanted to check in and make sure you’re doing alright and that it’s not because you’re under a lot of stress or anything. You’re writing is amazing! And I’m so excited to see what you have in store for the rest of the story. :) I hope you’re taking care of yourself and doing well! And happy New Year (well in a few days hehe).
          Bye byeee~!
          -Cai (a fellow Muichiro fan :p)


@_caileyb_  same its great!