
so random but im still not over the fact that in my book i created a character who was a black woman of caribbean descent who joins the cast in s2 as a helpful character to the group and that's exactly what happened?!?!? crazy. enjoy obx3 luvs :)


so random but im still not over the fact that in my book i created a character who was a black woman of caribbean descent who joins the cast in s2 as a helpful character to the group and that's exactly what happened?!?!? crazy. enjoy obx3 luvs :)


i didn’t even read your books yet but i love how you have a coloured person and not a basic white person 


Hey girl, so I wanted to tell you that you are amazing writer, I read 'would you like to fall in love with me' in one breath, I cried, I smiled, I had so much emotions during this because it's so good, you can't even imagine how much this book means to me, I'm sure it will forever be in my heart. So one more time, you are amazing and doing a good job. Have a nice day or night, and remember you are incredible! ❣


OH EM GEE! so sorry i'm just now seeing this but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. this means so much and im so glad you enjoyed it. you don't understand how much this means to me. thank YOU for your support <3 and thank you for this kind message and i hope you have a great amazing day! so glad my writing could touch you in this way :) ❤️
जवाब दें


Ms. Author does would you like to fall in love with me end in good way


not really lol but erm read the epilogue because it explains it <3
जवाब दें


been writing fan fics since i was 9....what a freaking journey. (btw this is not a good bye message just looking back)


happy thanksgiving to those celebrating <3 w.y-l.t.f.i-l.w.m thanksgiving special is out now!!! catch up with venice and the crew at thanksgiving time while you're waiting for the food to finish cooking right now. enjoy :)