
You really be out here writing "gang leader x reader" books. Bitch I'm living that! Gotta live having a bf


Can someone please write a new fanfic for:
           Les miserables,
          Dr who
          The musketeers ...
          Basically anything new!!! 
          I feel like I've read everything and I'm not alone xx


i’ve got a les mis book and upcoming merlin fic if you’re looking:) is this a shameless self-promo? yes I think so ahah 


 Can someone please please write me an imagine please? It pretty unique but important to me. If wanted I will write an imagine for the person who writes this for me. 
          Okay this important to me and I never see anything like it anywhere. Some backstory is probably helpful ; I am in a historical reenactment group. There is a guy I like called Joey who also is part of the reenactment group and I like him alot.  I was wondering if someone could write an imagine for me where...
          We have an event at a castle or something and during the day we spend most the time together cooking, sword fighting and messing around(maybe play flirting). We are the youngest in the group and everyone wants to get us together.  After the main reenactment fight, Joey  walks over to me and asks me on a date . But he does it all medieval-ly and acts like a knight so the public think it's part of the act. Everyone in the group is happy and there's some slight play teasing from older members .
          •My appearance:  long brown hair, blue eyes,5'8 ish 
          •My character : castle maiden,servent
          •Joey's appearance: shoulder length hair, hazel eyes , 6' ish
          •Joey's character : royal Knight
          If someone could do this for me I would be forever grateful! x


              I have now reached 211 readers on my Winchesters in beacon hills book. I would appreciate it if you could recommend this book to friends in order for us to reach 250 reads. I wasn't even expecting to carry on with this book . I thought I would get bored quickly and delete it but you seem to like the book so I'll keep updating. 
                                   Love you all x