
/ drop one - liners ! 


/   6.03 ,, slight au. 
          kurt was rarely one to wish he could seep into the background. unfortunately, there was exceptions to every rule, and this appeared to be one of those momentous occasions. he rocked back and forth on the heels of his boots, pressing his lips into a hard line as he hesitated in front of blaine's office at dalton. he had been studiously avoiding these familiar walls, his last memory of dalton consisting of an impulsive engagement that had clearly gone astray, but after the incident with nearly destroying santana and brittany's ' happy ' news, well . . . perhaps he had a bit to make amends for, that was all. with a sharp intake of breath, he raised his hand, rapping his knuckles against the closed door in rapid, impatient succession.


guess what i got my favorite cousin and i? * the short girl beamed, holding one of her hands behind her back *


* she grinned, hugging him back * what can i say? there's nobody else i'd rather see a queen dedicated movie with!


@motherIoving ; what ? ! oh my god , holy / crap / , lacey . * he pulls her in for a tight , brother - like hug * thank you ! 


close — but no! * she moved her hand forward * two tickets to see bohemian rhapsody!


when you tweeted me saying " it was me and kurt , " does that mean . . . um . . . that you two , you know , nasty - fied it up ?


@silversnights ;
            whose side are you on , alicia ? james corden the caterpiller's or your best friend's ? 


well , i mean , to be entirely fair and objective and all of that exciting stuff . . . you / are / his unofficial boyfriend's ex . and you and kurt dated for a / really / long time . i'm sure he's just intimidated by you .


this message may be offensive
@silversnights ;
            worth consideration ? oh , no . it is / not / worth consideration . in fact , it ' s not happening at all . * he pauses , hands on his hips * you know , he hasn ' t friended me on facebook ? i ' ve waited months ! i ' ve made it a point to wait for him , well , i am sorry if i am not good enough to be friended on facebook ! that asshole . 


all right . while i am scarred for / life / by you and lady hummel's little door play kink or / whatever / the hell that was , i have to say , i'm impressed . you are the / first / person to wreck downton abbey's little , happy - go - lucky facade ! so , yay . congratulations , princess valiant . * she claps lightly , smiling sarcastically *


oh , please , lady anderson . i am offensive / all / of the time . i keep it real and i'm hilarious , that's why you guys love me . so go ahead , spit it out . save the swallowing for other things .


@snixxisms ;
            . . . i don ' t / want / to tell you . mostly because i know you ' ll judge me , you get really offensive sometimes —


oh , no , by all means , moral compass . feel free to tell me / all / about it . my rants are typically reserved for when auntie snixx comes into town on the bitchtown express , and those are / very / special moments .