
Hello Everyone! It's been a long time since I've been on this site. I've recently decided to make more of an effort with interacting with the many readers/authors alike on this site, along with editing my novels "The Misadventure of Jake Foley" and "Unexpected Journey."


Hello Everyone! It's been a long time since I've been on this site. I've recently decided to make more of an effort with interacting with the many readers/authors alike on this site, along with editing my novels "The Misadventure of Jake Foley" and "Unexpected Journey."


Hello everyone! I've been a very busy man, however, I am currently working on a fantasy text based roleplaying game! If you're a writer and love to engage in roleplaying well this is your chance! I have a few open spots on my page! Just click this link here ->
          If you personally feel like this is something you want to do, feel free to message me here -> Happy Roleplaying!


Guess who's back!? I decided to unpublish my work and begin to re publish it with edits to the chapter. I appreciate everyone who took the time to look at my works in  the beginning, however, I truly appreciate it if everyone continued to support me and my Book. Stay tuned for more information!