
I might be around again for some time because why the hell not


You know what guys screw it im deleting my undertale crossover story not because it’s not getting reads but because I read it and I saw how terrible it looks I’m gonna give it an update and fix all the story lines and stuff if you wish to help feel free to


Hey guys I could use some help with some ideas with a few of my stories like my loud house one cause I’m out of ideas and I would appreciate it if you guys could help out like with plots, and other stuff like that so if you guys like to help me that would be great and if you want to help then message me and we’ll come up with some ideas I’ll give you a shout out


Hey guys I’m gonna rewrite my undertale, zootopia and tslop crossover story instead I’m gonna put actual povs like on the new chapters I put o. Here to make it more better and more understandful but if I get 5 votes on the first chapter on the crossover then I will do it