
To anyone who cares,
          	Hey everyone. I just wanted to alert you guys that I'm still kicking on this thing and I'm gonna try my damnedest to get updates out to soon. Writers block is really a bitch and I have so many ideas for new stories but I don't want to start on anything new until I finish what I've already started. To the people that still leave comments and vote for my books, thank you so much. Y'all are what keeps me pushing to want to finish these books and I'm so glad you like what I have so far. School starts back up in about a month and I'm also in between jobs but I'm still going to put forth the effort to try and update. As always, thanks for your patience.


To anyone who cares,
          Hey everyone. I just wanted to alert you guys that I'm still kicking on this thing and I'm gonna try my damnedest to get updates out to soon. Writers block is really a bitch and I have so many ideas for new stories but I don't want to start on anything new until I finish what I've already started. To the people that still leave comments and vote for my books, thank you so much. Y'all are what keeps me pushing to want to finish these books and I'm so glad you like what I have so far. School starts back up in about a month and I'm also in between jobs but I'm still going to put forth the effort to try and update. As always, thanks for your patience.


Hi guys. I'm currently going through and making a name change to our main male protagonist so if my book is updated in your library please don't  be alarmed just yet lol. I am trying my hardest to get an update out to you guys. School is back in session and I don't seem to have enough time to do anything you know? Thanks for bearing with me and stay tuned :)


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Hellooo everyone. TTWYSM has finally been updated with brand new revised chapters! Woot-woot!! Please please please take the time to vote, comment, and add it to your library's because I worked hard as shit on it and I think it came out great lol. I've avoided all my homework tonight because my fingers were itching to get the chapters out to you. I hope you enjoy it. As soon as I get some of these major grade assignments out of the way be expecting chapters 2 & 3. So over the next couple of months. The billionaire playboy may be updated in between that time, I'm still having a little writer's block on that one but I know it too shall pass. Thanks for the support once again! :)


Hey guys! I promise updates are coming soon. I don't have an exact date set yet to when they'll be posted but stay looking out for the notifications. School is really kicking my ass right now and since I'm only writing as a hobby right now and not getting paid for it just yet, priorities come first. Ya'll know how that goes. Bare with me and thanks again for your patience. :)