
as a theatre kid you don't know how much I love you all for making this !!because everything is beautiful at the broadway community.


@broadwaycommunity the thing about theatre is that its such an accepting environment. because as an actor we'll have roles where we go to tough places, emotional ones, and the community is so supporting and understanding. in theatre your kinda naked i guess, you end up showing so much raw emotion you feel like you know each other very well, and never mind some of the quick costume changes. i guess to the people who say theatre is losing its appeal, haven't gotten the chance to truly experience it. i've been doing theatre for 6 years now and i have to say the magic will never leave theatre. (you know that buzz when the curtains go down, and the applause come alive. thats magic.)


@kimspossible So sorry for such a long response wait. To be completely honest, I felt as though this had to be made since people say theatre is losing its appeal (it really isn't though.) And us theatre kids really need to create a place for just us, you know?