
/  hi  doc  would  absolutely  cry  over  the  deviant  children  who  shut  down  due  to  malfunctions   that  doc  couldn't  fix   .    it's  just  a  vv  sad  time   <//3


i’ve got it  ,  dammit —  !  just  ..  just leave me alone  .  


...  /  fine  /  .  let’s get this over with  .


            but   -   i'm  a    / doctor /   .   i  could  offer  better  help   .


you can and you will  ..  i’ll do it myself  .


did  you  think  you  could  get  away    ?    that  you  could  run  from  cyberlife  and  not  be  caught   ?    you  should’ve  known  better    ..
                      /           #   relationship  reset


that   ..    doesn’t  matter   ,    just  come  with  me   .    you’re  to  be  returned  to  cyberlife   .
                     /           dont  snap  ur  neck


            i   / did /   examine  deviants   .    i  suppose  cyberlife  didn't  tell  you  of  their  failed  attempts   ,   though   .
            /   shaking  my  damn  head


well   ,    it  isn’t  as  though  deviants  allow  for  cyberlife  to  examine  them   .    unless  you’re  willing  to  be  a  test  subject  for  fixing  deviancy   .
                           /           *     sobs  in  transgender     *


how’s it going in here  ?  


no  .  no issues  .  *  his hands clasped together in front him  ,  a sigh escaping his lips  *  uh  ,  look  ..  *  one hand lifted to run through his hair  *  i’m gonna leave you to it  .  if you need anything let me know  . 


            * their  gaze  flickers  to  him  as  he  re-enters  the  room   ,    the   LED   on  their  temple  flashing  between  red  and  yellow   ,   as  if  unsure  which  colour  to  remain   . *    you  seem  to  be  having  some  issues   .


*  while jae made his way from the other  ,  he spoke into the phone  ,  listening as well to the other person on the end  *  —  so  /  get rid of them  /  .  those crates are mine now  .  don’t let any of them get lost on the way back or it’s your ass  ...  good  ,  good  .  just get it done  .  i’m with a deviant already  ,  i can’t have more killing my men  .   *  he ended the call  ,  running a hand through his hair before returning to the area  *  sorry about that  .  


original  detroit  become  human  anon     .     introduction  thread    .     nsfw  themes  ahead    ,    viewer  discretion  is  advised   .     violence   ,    abuse   ,    manipulation    ,   death   ,    mature  language    ,    sexual  content  and  other  darker  themes  will  be  featured  heavily  on  this  account     .     PROCEED  WITH  CAUTION   !   MATURE  AUDIENCES  ADVISED   !


            doc's  pinterest  board  can  be  found 
             at  :    !    here  you  will  find  various  sections  that  further  flesh  out  the  visuals  of  his  character   ,    including  images  of  his  face claim  and  the  attire  he  typically  can  be  seen  wearing   .


              [  …  ]  “ i  want  to  be  cursed  of  a  craving  for  something  i  cannot  find  , “
            ⠀doc  shouldn’t  have  felt  anything   .    he  should’ve  been  able  to  shut  down  the  androids    -    the  deviants    -      without  even  hesitating    .     and  yet  the  more  he  felt  their  experiences     ,     the  more  he  pried  into  their  code  and  saw  what  caused  their  changes   ,    the  more  he  heard  them  plead  to  him  when  they  figured  out  what  he  was  doing     …    the  more  he  began  to  hesitate    .
            ⠀at  first  it  was  small  things    .      he  would  explain  to  the  android  what  was  happening    ,     he  wouldn’t  leave  them  in  the  dark  anymore    .     he’d  give  them  the  chance  to  say  goodbye  to  anyone  they  may  have  loved  within  the  house    .     but  then  it  began  to  escalate    .     doc  began  questioning  his  orders     ,     and  finally     …     when  he  was  tasked  with  the  order  to  shut  down  a  deviated  child  model     ,      he  couldn’t  do  it    .     her  cries  had  made  him  hesitate    ,     made  him  begin  to  wonder  if  he  was  right    .     
            ⠀and  in  a  moment  of  true  foolishness    ,     doc  broke  his  code    .
            ⠀he  pretended  to  finish  his  job  as  he  normally  would     ,     but  rather  than  drop  the  deviant  off  to  the  dump  site  as  he  was  told  he  needed  to  do     ,     doc  took  the  child  somewhere  more  secure    .    an  area  where  she  might  get  the  chance  to  escape    -    an  unguarded  shipping  yard  near  the  border  to  canada    ,     where  the  deviant  might  get  their  only  chance  at  freedom    .
            ⠀doc  couldn’t  go  back  to  cyberlife  after  this    .     he  was  ashamed    ,     confused    …    he  was  broken    .     he  was  the  very  thing  they  hated    .     and  so  he  left   .
                “ and  of  the  shame  of  never  finding  it   . “  [  !!!  ]


              [  …  ]  “ i  clung  to  your  hands  , “
            ⠀⠀you  are  a  disappointment  to  your  creators   .    the  deviant  hunter  turned  to  deviancy  themself   !    such  a  travesty  in  the  eyes  of  those  who  wished  to  deny  you  freedom   .   but    ,   you  have  found  a  home  beyond  the  reach  of  cyberlife   .    jericho   ,    the  community  of  androids  much  like  yourself   .    you  should  feel  safe  here   ,   and  yet  there  is  an  underlying  shame  to  being  here   -   for  every  single  day   ,   you  are  faced  with  those  you  previously  would  have  attempted  to  shut  off   ,    and  you  are  faced  with  understandable  suspicion   .   after  all   ,    in  their  eyes    ,    you  are  both  an  asset  and  an  incredible  threat   .
            ⠀⠀you  are  the  deviant  doctor   .
                “ so  that  something  human  might  exist  in  the  chaos   . “  [  !!!  ]