
/  okay i think i'm ready. .   cb ❗️ she's like if debut, fearless, and specifically the vibes of  'so high school'  and  'i can do it with a broken heart'  all were part of some messy family.


/  me ALWAYS!! && plss all the taylor references i’m ON THE FLOOR. 


no.   this  isn't  a  fun  trip,   i  mean.   for  literally  any  of  us.   i'd  rather  sit  through  math  class  than  do  this  again.


(  @fromgallows-  )
            MATH class?!   that's a low low. super low.  [  tina grimaces with an animated horror, sticking her tongue out in a mocking gag. come on, little miss optimism. she places her hands on her hips, fighting the dread to stay smiling. ]    well!  i like to do this thing where you find the fun in everything, even where there is no fun to be found. beauty of life, dude!!   it's what you make it!   and this. . .   this is. . . . .  uhm. no give me a minute, i'll think'a somethin'.


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he's  a  fucking  ass.    are  you  like,   cool?
          *   she  cares !!    so  bad !!  


(  @fromgallows-  )
            i'm cool!   sooooo cool!!   i am the coolest i have ever been.  [  the blonde offers two unconvincing thumbs up, and a forced cheshire cat smile that is instantly counteracted by the still-flowing tear tracks on her reddening cheeks. slowly, she lowers her arms and hugs herself in a sheepish manner. ]    . .  would you mind forgetting you saw that?
            /  i love bitches with a love language of aggression  <33


i   remember   your   daddy .  :|   (…)   he   wasn’t   very   nice   t’me   but   i  remember   ’im ..
          /   dottie spilling lore


(  @hauntedmothers  )
            my dad?   [  at the unexpected mention, tina's shoulders tense. but, her brow furrows and she leans in with a newly unlocked curiosity. ]    he doesn't talk about anybody or anything that much. what d'you remember?   can i ask that??
            /  oh!!!!   my god


do   you…   d’ya   know   how   to   make   bagels??  :]
          /   dottie Loves bagels  <333


(  @hauntedmothers  )
            uhuh uhuh. noted!   [  tina presses a finger to her forehead before moving her hand into a salute motion. ]    sounds like a good ol' reliable. consider your lunch on special delivery tomorrow!!
            /  she lives to make people happy!!  bagels are about to start showing up on dottie's doorstep like it's nobody's business


@btchsmile-   …   just   plain   bagels   with   the … w-with   the   ’lil   seeds   on   top.  :’]   (…)   that’s   what —   that’s   what   i   eat   for   lunch   everyday.
            /   love her to bits already <333 


(  @hauntedmothers  )
            uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhyeah!!  YEAH i do!   what kind?   jus' plain ol simple again??  or like, fruity bagels?  ooooh!   chocolate bagels????
            /  miss girl does not in fact Know,,  but she's about to learn for dottie  :')


/  okay i think i'm ready. .   cb ❗️ she's like if debut, fearless, and specifically the vibes of  'so high school'  and  'i can do it with a broken heart'  all were part of some messy family.


/  me ALWAYS!! && plss all the taylor references i’m ON THE FLOOR. 

crudeIis  can  sit  here  if  you  want.  i  don't  really  care.


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[  in  an  attempt  to  prove  that  he  wasn't  what  most  people  thought  of  him,  caden  offered  a  small  yet  genuine  smile  to  show  that,  despite  his  appearance,  he  wasn't  an  asshole  like  h̶e̶n̶r̶y̶  b̶o̶w̶e̶r̶s̶  some.  ]  i  get  that  a  lot.  from  those  who  actually  try  to  talk  to  me,  at  least.  (  ...  )  it's  a  mixture  of  both.  nobody  seems  to  sit  near  me,  for  some  reason.  i  don't  mind  it,  but  it  does  get  kinda  lonely.  god,  that  sounds  depressing.  i'm  sorry.


(  @heIIoverme  )
            oooookie dokie.   [  hesitantly, the blonde sets herself down opposite who she'd deemed as broody and unapproachable. she makes a mental note to stop judging books by their covers. maybe that's why she's so bad at this whole making friends thing. ]    thanks. um, yeah. thank you, you are much nicer than i took you for. is it lonely or do you like the loneliness?


i'm  sure,  blondie.  you're  not─ -  cramping  in.  that  came  out  sounding  kinda  rude,  i'm  sorry.  but  really,  i  don't  mind.  nobody  sits  here  anyway,  so  you  don't  have  to  worry  about  being  harassed  to  move.


tinker bell.  pamela anderson.  goldilocks.  come onnn, you know you loved it- it was fantastic! :D
          /  she had to listen to him do his irish accent & it was terrible!!  (this one is annoying jsjdg) 


(  @humorguarded  )
            if you ever find an irish person to tell that to, i want an invite to that conversation. it'd be absolute GOLD!!   get it?   'cause leprechauns. gold.  [  she's talking total nonsense. screwing her eyes shut, she waves her hand in the air until it comes to clap against the other. she mockingly lowers herself into a bow, giggling before she can even begin. ]    oh great mister richie tozier, name in lights!!   may i pleeeeaaaaaase have your autograph?
            /  you're literally!!  so canon!!!   like,, is he just yours?   i think so  <3


WHAT?? it’s like a tribute to the irish, actually! (  of course, this only made sense in richie’s own mind, who had convinced him his voices were RADICALLY different from the real him.  )  when i’m rich and famous, you’ll want to tell people you were one of my earliest supporters, so think about that!
            /  ofc you were!!  and thank you so much that’s so flattering to me  :’)


(  @humorguarded  )
            richie. RICKARD!  i cannot defend you this time.  [  tina throws her head back, rolling her eyes behind the hands that cover her face. suddenly, she's hit with an idea  -  a realisation that's accentuated with her gasp and the sudden pointing of her fingers toward him. ]    it's fantastic  /if/  terrible and making fun of the irish is what you were goin' for!!
            /  gasp i was blessed with both!!  i love your portrayal already pleaseeee


what’s so fuckin’ special about this??  don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the sun sets literally every day.
          /  this one is annoyed :’) 


(  @humorguarded  )
            you can get new glasses if you live to tomorrow. i think we should treat every sunset like it's the last one you'll ever get to see. it,,  makes me think of hope.   [  it made her think of her sister. they'd always watch the sunsets together. now, she thought that stella may be watching the same sky too and waiting for her stars to appear. wherever she is. tina stretches her smile to hide the sadness brewing behind her eyes, shaking her head in richie's direction. ]     not if you keep on the rose-colored glasses, baybee. doesn't it make you forget you're in derry?   just for a second??   i should introduce you to my friend optimism. you'd probably clash like cats 'n' dogs, though.
            /  she needs to be put in someone's pocket !!


(  he wanted to protest and he had damn near a thousand things to protest about, but in an odd richie tozier moment, he held his hands up in surrender and let her appreciate the moment. whatever exactly that ‘moment’ was. well. at least for a few seconds or so.  )  yeah. so orange it might pierce my fuckin’ glasses.  ( he scoffed, pushing them up his nose.  ) but it’s in DERRY.  doesn’t that break the illusion?  :/
            /  stop she’s the sweetest i love her already 


(  @humorguarded  )
            shhhhhhhhhhhhhhyou'reruiningit you're ruining the moment!!   [  for the first time in moments, tina's eyes are forcefully torn away from the sky. a furrowed annoyance replaces the awestruck widening of her eyes, shifting to dig her elbow into the boy's side. ]    sorry that you don't know how to appreciate the natural beauty of the world and that we are blessed to watch her sunsets literally every day!!   the colors!!!   it's so orange. look'it!  like a painting.  :')
            /  sorry abt babygirl  :'))