
I am sorry it takes so long for me to update DO YOU HEAR THE FANDOM SING, it's on my laptop which I don't go on very often because it's very small and annoying to use. But i will try hard to remember. *crossed fingers*


OMG!!! DOCTOR WHO AND SUPERNATURAL! YOU HAVE SUCH GREAT TASTE!!! Sorry... I had to get that out. I absolutely adore both of those shows, and I really like Sherlock as well.


@bubble-monkey I love Castiel. He is awesome. I also love Dean and Bobby. Sam isn't my favorite, but he is okay.


Supernatural is my favorite, I very much like Doctor Who but Supernatural beats them because Castiel is my favorite fictional character.


Sorry I haven't been posting ANYTHING, I will be uploading a ton of Destiel, TenxRose, Sabriel, Johnlock, Merthur, and so much more. But my Wattpad account was having problems and I couldn't sign in. But I am here now! Let me know if you guys like anything that I write, you can leave a suggestion for a ship i should write about. Thank you so much for reading my stories!