
hey loves,
          	i know getting through life is hard, especially now, but it's okay to fully feel your emotions. sadness, anger, apathy, fear, helplessness, etc. are all valid. you're not broken, you're not a burden, and you deserve time to process your feelings. you're not wasting time by helping yourself. your productivity does not determine your worth. you are so worthy of love, and happiness, and i love you all and i'm always here if you need someone to talk to.


@pennnyroyalty ✨✨✨✨PREACH QUEEN✨✨✨✨❤❤❤❤


@Bluecakespace Hi, you're not bothering me at all! I'll be sure to check it out! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧


hey loves,
          i know getting through life is hard, especially now, but it's okay to fully feel your emotions. sadness, anger, apathy, fear, helplessness, etc. are all valid. you're not broken, you're not a burden, and you deserve time to process your feelings. you're not wasting time by helping yourself. your productivity does not determine your worth. you are so worthy of love, and happiness, and i love you all and i'm always here if you need someone to talk to.


@pennnyroyalty ✨✨✨✨PREACH QUEEN✨✨✨✨❤❤❤❤


@Bluecakespace Hi, you're not bothering me at all! I'll be sure to check it out! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧


Oii, tudo bem? Gostaria de lhe convidar para ler o meu conto "Kristen, come right back" ele é inspirado na música "K." dos Cigarretes After Sex. 
          Meu conto, por sua vez, consiste em um casal, onde não tinham nenhum tipo de relacionamento sério, começam a criar um sentimento maior e mais deslumbrante um pelo outro. Mas existia um problema alí dentro, a moça, era totalmente caótica por dentro, apesar de bem animada e encantadora. Já o cara, era totalmente orgulhoso, o que complicava mais ainda a relação dos dois. O que será que vai acontecer? Eles vão ficar juntos?
          Desculpe o incomodo!
          e caso você tenha se interessado, acesse esse link <3 :


to those of you who praise celebrities for not being racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, etc., S T O P!!! accepting and respecting a person's existence is the bare minimum for being human. hate, corruption, and ignorance are so normalized that it has skewed our views of what the bare minimum actually IS. it's hard for us to think about changing things because they have been implemented into everything by previous generations. with our access to technology, there aren't any valid reasons for being ignorant, and i have no sympathy for those who are. our country was built off of inequality; i see no reason to be prideful. capitalism (our current economic and political system), is not only unsustainable and exploitative, but the distribution of wealth is not at all proportionate, and it creates devastating amounts of pollution. being economically unfortunate DOES NOT mean that you are lazy. your productivity DOES NOT determine your worth. this is not a trend; continue educating yourselves and others.


Thank you for voting and commenting on my Jonathan Crane story, hope you're enjoying it ❤


@pennyroyalqueer thank you so much, I'm glad you're enjoying it ❤


@endIesstars you're welcome! it is so good; you're so talented! sorry i'm responding late <3