
…so I’ve got about 3/4 of corpsewoman season three finished (sorry I know it’s taken forever) and I hate publishing bits at a time but I feel like y’all deserve something for waiting so long… so here my questions: would y’all rather wait to read the season in its entirety or would you want read the first bit while I work on writing the rest?


@burntsubwaysandwich i want the first bit bro i am carving it fr like idk how many chapters you give us at this point i just need something. 


…so I’ve got about 3/4 of corpsewoman season three finished (sorry I know it’s taken forever) and I hate publishing bits at a time but I feel like y’all deserve something for waiting so long… so here my questions: would y’all rather wait to read the season in its entirety or would you want read the first bit while I work on writing the rest?


@burntsubwaysandwich i want the first bit bro i am carving it fr like idk how many chapters you give us at this point i just need something. 


Hey fuckers! Sorry I’ve been MIA, I’m quite mentally ill and have been trying to stay out of a psych ward there past couple months✨ ANYWAYS I went back and re-read what is written for season 3 and quite honestly I hate it. It’s pushing Karla in a direction I’m not a fan of and the writing truly isn’t my best, so we’re reworking it! It’s gonna to take quite some time for me to redo it and fine tune but hopefully it’s for the best. Anyways love you miss you thanks for reading and supporting my silly little story:)


@burntsubwaysandwich I can't wait, I love your writing! <33


I'm so close to publishing season 3 of my Ben Hargreeves fic... just a few finishing touches need done! It should be out in a week or two, I am so excited for you guys to read this! Anyways, I'm slightly rebranding at the moment, check out the new cover and title! Much love <3


@burntsubwaysandwich YEAAAAY!!!! CAN'T WAIT!!!
            I'M SO IN LOVE WITH YOUR BOOK!!!!


Heyo, about the sequal to Daisies will you be shipping Karla with Sparrow Ben or will you be paring her with another person?? 
          Thank you for writing Daisies btw that shits good !!


Ah I’m so glad you enjoy it! I’m still very early in the process so this isn’t a definite answer since I don’t know if it’ll even end up in the final copy, but both yes and no! This universe’s Karla is a whole lot different than the one we love


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besties… I’m on episode two of the new season… just heard Klaus say he’s going to find his birth mother and uh the fuck you are ?? please Klaus for all that’s good in this world don’t ruin the multi-book series I’ve planned and written


Hey besties uh sorry I’ve been ✨nonexistent✨ lately I’m working 3 jobs and am in a show right now a bitch is TIRED Anyways- I’m coming back to some of the recipes stories I really loved but haven’t quite finished yet and can’t decide which to wrap up/publish first! I’ve got a prequel to Daises about Karla’s mom (spoiler alert she’s a badass), one about six of crows and Kaz Brekker sister, and then an ACOTAR one that’s just a whole lot of drama and ripping your heart out ! Any preferences? I can’t decide which !!!


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Hey y'all I decided to unpublish my MCU story called "Thirteen" 'cause that shit is so horribly written it's EMBARRASSING
          I'm gonna attempt to rewrite it but that may take a while... anyways just wanted to throw it out there in case you were looking for that story