
Alright guys I've published two chapters. Go check them out and comment and vote. Or even share. 


Thanks for following me I hope you check out my books I have that im trying to finish but I'm thinking about doing those ones making one that I have stuck in my head like I'm writing one on  a piece of paper then I'm writing it in wattpad then posting the book


Maybe you'll just let it to where she's singing and then tells her story from her point of years ago when she was little but I'm also going to tell me about her past and her cousin and then what she wants to be when she grows up but she probably going to have stepbrothers and stepsisters ect ect


@26seibal OK thank you hope you like it of not you can tell me your opinion of it in the comments but I'm thinking about starting the book over and starting to where she's singing the song then tells her story but in a different point of view like when she was little instead of her being a teenager and going high school. But her also her point of view will be when she was in Like Preschool or kindergarten instead of high school.


@26seibal I will check your books out. 