  • way deep in the gutter
  • انضمApril 28, 2014

الرسالة الأخيرة
cabeYolights cabeYolights May 05, 2019 01:13AM
even though i’m on a veryyy long hiatus, thanks for getting NTKG to be #2 for #gxg and Hidden Paparazzi #1 on the #paparazzi !!! and finding it crazy how all my other books are still ranking rn on h...
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قصص بقلم G ;)
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Not That Kinda Girl (camren)
Lauren Jauregui, millionaire, is the CEO of Jauregui Corps. Well, almost- CEO. Lauren's brother and sister al...
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Stable (camren) بقلم cabeYolights
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Lauren has somewhat of an anger issue. She's sometimes so out of control, she could even hurt herself. What i...
Blank Space (camren) بقلم cabeYolights
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Lauren Jauregui still feels a blank space that makes her feel like she's missing something, an empty feeling...
1 قائمة قراءة