Just me practicing writing. I know, clearly I have a type. 

F I N I S H E D → Tokyo Drift

ON H O L D → Dogtown, School of Vice

S P O T I F Y → https://open.spotify.com/user/31uelouvr6qauzygz3hxue26sbwi?si=23a3ab42b06446ec

G O O D R E A D S → https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/132104199-elliot-grace
  • North Carolina
  • انضمSeptember 7, 2015

الرسالة الأخيرة

قصص بقلم Elliot Grace
Tokyo Drift || Harry Styles بقلم call-me-elle
Tokyo Drift || Harry Styles
India was sent to Tokyo for work. Harry Styles went to Japan to find solace after a bad breakup. Never in he...
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School Of Vice بقلم call-me-elle
School Of Vice
Emma could have never foreseen all of the events that led her mom to completely relocate their small family...
Dogtown بقلم call-me-elle
In the sacred area surrounding Santa Monica and Venice, a momentous shift in culture is taking place with a m...
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